Help Hotlines for Kids, Teens & Women Suicide, Child Abuse, Domestic Abuse, LGBT, Runaways, Bullying & More
Up to date Hotlines & Helplines and Resources for: Suicide, Child Abuse, (Sexual Abuse, Physical Abuse, Emotional Abuse, Neglect) Bullying, Cyberbullying, Runaways, Rape, Domestic Abuse, LGBT, Eating Disorders (Anorexia, Bulimia), Self-Esteem, Body Image, Teen Pregnancy, Self-Injury (cutting), Sex, Drugs, Peer Pressure, Puberty, Family problems, Depression, Anxiety, Bad Grades. Or just because Kids or Teens need someone to talk to, ask advice or help for any problem you are facing. The volunteers at these hotlines really do care & want to help you. Find your country and choose the best hotline for you. I have also included links to the hotline sites because they often have useful information and resources.
If your country is not here or you have more resources or corrections in your country please contact me
with the info so I can get it on the hotlines and helplines page.