South Africa - Helplines, Crisis Lines & Lifelines for Kids, Teens & Women: Suicide, Child Abuse, Domestic Abuse, LGBT, Runaways, Bullying & More
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- Kids and Teens Helplines - South Africa
- Child Abuse Helplines - South Africa
- Run Away Hotlines - South Africa
- Suicide and Crisis Helplines & Lifelines - South Africa
- Domestic Abuse & Sexual Assault & Rape Helplines for Women & Men - South Africa
- LGBT Help & Information Helplines - South Africa
- Eating Disorders (Anorexia, Bulimia etc.) Information Helplines - South Africa
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South Africa Kids and Teens Helplines |
Childline South Africa08 000 55 555 24 Hrs. | Chat option also available on site |Need Help? - You can call us for free, anytime. The Childline toll-free line is available 24 hours a day and what you talk about is confidential. However if you want to say who you are and see a counsellor you can ask for this as well. You may be going through a difficult time and are possibly feeling alone, confused and scared. If you are feeling like this then the best thing you can do for yourself is to talk to someone. Childline understands that sometimes the people you should be able to talk to are just not available or you feel scared to approach them. That is why we’ve set up a toll-free line. You can call us to talk through a problem or we can assist you should you have something to report. |
Child Abuse Helplines - South Africa |
Report neglect or abuse of a child - Child Welfare SAReport neglect or abuse of a child: 0861 4 CHILD (24453) | National: (011) 452-4110 | E-mail: | Website: | |
Run Away Helplines - South Africa |
See above Child Line for help. |
Suicide and Crisis Help Helplines - South Africa |
LifeLine South Africa0861 322 322Call us on: 0861 322 322 - This line operates 24 hours / 7 days per week – feel free to call us for more information and counselling. 24-hour crisis intervention service. "Emotional First Aid station". Free, confidential telephone counselling, rape counselling, trauma counselling, Aids counselling, and a range of other services. Counsellors help callers with challenges such as trauma, suicide, and relatioship issues. |
Suicide Crisis Line - SADAG0800 567 567 | SMS 31393Depression and Anxiety Helpline | 0800 70 80 90 SADAG Mental Health Line 011 234 4837 South African Depression and Anxiety Group - more Emergency lines on site. |
Domestic Abuse & Sexual Assault & Rape Helplines for Women & Men - South Africa |
Stop Gender Violence Helpline South Africa0800 150 150Our 24 hour confidential crisis intervention service is available at no cost to all sectors of the community regardless of race, religion or social standing. |
POWA - People Oppossing Women AbuseHotline & Emergency Contact: 011 642 4345 | 011 642 4346 | |A Safe and equal society intolerant of all forms of violence against women and girls in all their diversity, where they are treated with respect and dignity and their rights are promoted... |
South African Police Service (SAPS) - Domestic ViolenceEmergency number: 10111 | Crime Stop: 08600 10111 | Report cases of child abuse for police investigation: Violence Resources and Reporting info. - Q&A on topics, What are my options if I am being abused? What is a protection order? Who can apply for a protection order? Commitment of SAPS to victims of domestic violence, At the scene of the incident, What can I do if a police member fails to fulfil this commitment? What can I do if an abuser disobeys a protection order? Have a crisis plan ready etc. |
LGBT Help & Information Helplines - South Africa |
GAY LESBIAN SUPPORT - SASharecall* – 0860 33 33 31 (You only pay for half the cost of the call.) Monday to Friday: 4pm to 10pm & Saturday & Sunday: 10am to 10pmSMS us on 079 891 3036 and a trained lay counselor will call you back. |
OUT LGBT Well-BeingNot a Hotline but helpful resource.OUT provides direct health services to the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) community, MSM, sex workers, and injecting drug users, including HIV testing, counselling, treatment and general lifestyle advice and support. OUT has been in existence for more than 21 years and is dedicated to the building of healthy and empowered LGBT communities in South Africa and internationally, while reducing hetrosexism and homophobia in society. |
Eating Disorders (Anorexia, Bulimia etc.) Information Helplines - South Africa |
Eating Disorders South Africa (EDSA)---No Hotline---helpful resource SAEating Disorders South Africa (EDSA) hosts weekly support groups for individuals over the age of 18 who are struggling with anorexia nervosa or bulimia nervosa. These free meetings take place every Wednesday from 17:30 to 19:00 at Denmar Psychiatric Hospital. Email for more information. EDSA also provides other resources, such as a blog and interactive discussion forum. |
RecoverySpace eating disorder info & recovery resource---No Hotline--- helpful SA specific resource.Deciding to get help for an eating disorder can often be anxiety provoking. To help make things easier, this section of the site provides some basic steps and information. For those who are simply looking for a psychologist, follow the quick link to finding a psychologist who works with eating disorders. Not sure where to start or what to do? You can contact us for e-mail counselling if you're not coming right. |