Today the KITHP is in the process of a major revision. After 10 years on geocities I was forced to switch to a new server due to the huge ads they stick on to every page and due to their server bandwidth limits which meant many people were not getting to see the page.
In the process of transferring KITHP from its geocities server to I have been updating and retouching the pages one by one to make them more clean and user friendly while at the same time keeping the colors and feel of the KITHP.
The following is a list of what has been done followed by a list of what has yet to be done. (list is in chronological order - dates listed when known)
July 03 2007 - chose as our new server - so far so good!
July 04 - began transferring pages on a one by one basis (there was no automatic way of doing this from geocities)
Transferred index/start page - kept same style but with a fresher and cleaner look
Transferred helplinks page - again same style, cleaner look and in this case many of the links were outdated. There are now some excellent links
Spent about an entire day searching out appropriate links for kids and teens in the various categories for the helplinks page
Transferred hotlines page began - in the process of updating this page including finding web-links for as many hotlines as possible.
Transferred all the story pages and poems pages (all the YANA and Where to Turn are now merged into one stories page)
Updated things like the meta tags and began trying to list this page on as many search engines possible. Not much point in all this effort if nobody sees us.
Additionally have been contacting all the many people who have existing links to the old URL, while making a manual redirect option available on the old geocities pages since no permanent or automatic redirect is available
Replaced the old sitemeter with a new sitemeter account along with Google analytics - by the way I may be one of the few people who think sitemeter is better
Updated some of the Google ads for a cleaner look
Added an option to donate via paypal
To date most of the pages have had minor updates to give them a fresher look with less clutter while keeping the original look and feel and of course updating links
July 24 - work towards completing new design for most of the pages is nearing completion - The idea as it stands now is to keep the start/index and the helplinks page as they are with the "Black/Red Emergency look and feel, I believe the rest of the pages will gradually be introduced into the new more child friendly and colorful format - your ideas and comments are welcome.
July 27 - Exciting new design is finished, for now it can be seen on the stories (intro) page. Please have a look and let me know what you think of the new KITHP design. I will wait a short time before adding it to all the stories pages, as it stands now it will then be added to the poems and most other pages except for the index page.
July 31 - New Design is now on all stories pages and has just been added to the Help Links page. Check it out and send feedback.
Goals and visions for both the short term and long term, with your support.
Begin an advice column where kids and teens can submit questions
Give the site it's own unique name (URL)
Increase advertising for the site so that more kids who need it can find it.
Translate the site into various languages, especially for kids in countries where there is still limited help and or widespread child abuse.
Have a full time school counselor or licensed therapist online 24 hours a day so that and kid any time can always (PM) talk to someone for help when they are too scared to talk to a "real" person.
The Kids in Trouble Help Page is a completely free service, but we need your help to continue! To keep up to date, to stay in tune with the kids & teens who need us!
I have just added a new feature in which you may donate to KITHP via paypal. (or via credit card upon request).
If you appreciate this kind of work, feel it is important and would like to see it continue please click on the button and Donate. Unfortunately donations to
Kids in Trouble Help Page are not tax deductable.